We see the world in 16:9... and in HD
2 x Ianiro Red Head 1000W
1 x ARRI 300 W Fresnel
2 x Lowel Tota 750W
1 x Lowel Omni-Light 500W
1 x Photoflex 16"x22" small silverdome softbox
1 x Photoflex 24"x32" medium silverdome softbox
1 x Photoflex reflector 32" white
1 x Photoflex reflector 32" gold / white
1 x Photoflex Litedisc 41"x74" oval white / silver
1 x Photoflex Litedisc 41"x74" oval white / gold
2 x Photoflex Litepanel 39"x72" frame
4 x Photoflex Litepanel fabrics (Translucent / White / Black)
1 x Lowel Tota Umbrella White
1 x Lowel Tota Umbrella Silver
1 x Lowel Tota Gel Frame
Lee Filter Gel Sheets
(202 Half CTB, 205 Half CTO, 216 White Diffusion + FX colors)
3 x Manfrotto 307B Light Stands
4 x Manfrotto 1051BAC Light Stands
1 x Manfrotto 122B Backlite Stand
1 x Photoflex Litedisc Support
Grip - Other
3 x Dimmers (1000W max)
2 x Dimmers (1500W max)
Manfrotto C1000 Ceiling Supports
Manfrotto MagicArms 196B-2
Manfrotto Superclamps
Manfrotto Spigots
Metal Clamps / Clothes Pins
Caribiners (Large / Small)
Secced Reach Tripod 4 Kit
Libec Zoom Control
Pelican 1600 Case
Pelican 1650 Case
Lightwave Light Stand Bag
Company Logos
© 2013 MotionEdge Productions. All Rights Reserved.
Web site design and background photography by Constantine Congonidis